The OMALYSE ™ is indicated in Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease.
In PCOD/PCOS, the cysts are developed in the state of Hormonal Imbalance. The treatment lies in two steps . 1. To lyse, dissolve, the cystic growth and 2. To restore the Hormonal Balance.
Kanchanar guggul and Chitrak has lekhan ( lyse ) property. It may erode the cysts with given doses.
Dashamool has shown anti-inflammatory analgesic property in Modern scientific study.
Shatavari contains Shatavarin and Sarsapogenin, which acts as precursors of Oestrogen and Progesterone both. Hence shatavari balances Hormonal disproportion.
Guduchi and Varun posseses Rasaposhak ( Lymph and Hormone nourishing ) property.
Ashok is well known feminine tonic.
Chandraprabha vati is having Dosha ( tendency) Balancing phenomenon.
The FUBICLOT ™ Is indicated in Dysfunctional or Abnormal Uterine Bleeding.
Ashoka is the key ingredient here.
Estrogen Mediated Uterus Endometrial Instability is considered as one of the etiologies in DUB. Study shows the Antiproliferative and Antikeratinizing effects of Ashoka is responsible to cure the said endometrial instability. And thus cureing DUB.
Apart from this, various studies shows the effect of Nagkeshr, Raktabol, Lodhra, Laksha, Moch ras, Anantmool having Hemostatic, Uterine nourishing effect in DUB.
Various other etiologies had been postulated in DUB. But exact etiology remains un-diagnosed. Hence the name ‘Dysfunctional’. In such cases FUBICLOT ™ it is safe, cheap, and simple way to treat resistant cases for longer time.
The wicosa™ is indicated in Post-Menopausal Symptoms. Like..
* Irregular menses at peri-menopause
* Night sweating
* Hot flashes
* Mood swings
* Vaginal dryness
* Calcium deficiencies
* Hair loss and dry skin
* Insomnia
IL-8 (Interleukin-8) is a potent vasodilator released by macrophages under stressful conditions. According to a study, IL-8 was significantly increased in women with hot flashes. it suggests that macrophages sense the decline in estrogen and respond by secreting IL-8. Working with cultured cells, it is found that Ashwagandha decreases the genetic expression of IL-8.
Ashwagandha is Adaptogenic in action and helps to stimulate Endocrine System. Thus nourishing and balancing the Hormonal levels at Peri-menopause and Menopause, it helps to alleviate hormone related symptoms.
Praval bhasma is natural source of Calcium. Menopause is associated with calcium deficiency and bone pain. Praval bhasma also relieves Hot flushes and Over sweating in Menopause.
Shevaga is a calcium ric herb. Each 100 mg of shevaga contains 185 mg of calcium! It contains vit A, vit C, beta carotene and Niazimicine which helps to suppress Cancer cell formation.
Shatavari with its Phytoestrogenic property, helps to regulate the Hormonal levels past menopause.
Brahmi is medhavardhak ( brain tonic). Its Bacoside-A and Bacoside-B active ingredients have proven benefits over Memory loss, Mood swings. Hair loss and insomnia are another benefits of Brahmi.
Ruti –A™ is specifically indicated in Recurrent urinary tract infection.
The Recurrence mainly is not due to Strong Pathogenic Organisms, but due to weakened ‘Organism- Tissue Barrier’. So, we generally see Infection’s Resistances to conventional antibiotics after some period of time.
The focus of the treatment is, to enhance the capacity of this barrier. So the pathogens will not be able to invade the ‘Organism-Tissue Barrier’ and will not be able to cause any infection.
It is indicated in all sorts of non-anatomical defect causes contributing Male Infertility.
• Oligospermia.
• Polyzoospermia
• Asthenospermia
• Teratozoospermia
BACOSPERM™ Helps to promote formation of Healthy sperms. The Sperm’s motility, quantity and morphology are kept in Normal parameters.
Bacoba munnerie helps to relieve Stress, which is main factor in Infertility.